Conditions Treated
Chinese medicine is a complete system of medicine, able to treat all health concerns. A 3,000-year-old system, Chinese medicine is the longest continually practiced form of medicine in history. The focus can be on anything from the aging process (pediatric through geriatric) to mental and emotional issues to any of your other health concerns.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the World Health Organization (WHO) have found acupuncture to be effective in the treatment of:
Stress |
Digestive |
Respiratory |
Pain |
Women’s Health |
Emotional Distress Depression Anxiety Insomnia Smoking Cessation Addictions Dizziness Fatigue Weight Management |
Nausea Vomiting GERDs Gastritis Diarrhea Constipation IBS Dysentery Colitis Crohn’s Disease |
Asthma Sore Throat Cold/Flu Headaches Pneumonia Tonsillitis Sinusitis Rhinitis Allergies Ear Infections |
Joint Pain Bone Pain Nerve Pain Dental Pain Cancer Pain Sciatica Arthritis Tennis Elbow Headaches TMJ Chronic Fatigue Fibromyalgia |
Infertility PMS Menstrual Disorders Menopause UTI’s Incontinence Endometriosis Uterine cysts Hormone balancing |